
How to trigger Zapier webhook with a text message?

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Every day, we produce a huge amount of data. Some of this data needs to be moved between various applications. For example, say you want to launch a campaign to collect phone numbers of your potential customers. You advertised your campaign, people send you lots of SMS messages. You want to sort move all these received SMS messages to an Excel sheet to process. Imagine the pain moving each of them one by one.

This is only one of the possible connections you might want to consider for your online business. Now, I am going to show you how ForwardSMS can help you forward your SMS messages to Zapier.


You will need a Zapier account before we start. However, you don't need any familiarity with it to follow this tutorial.

Getting Started

Login to your Zapier account. Click "+ Create Zap" button on your dashboard. create a zap

Search webhook and select "Webhooks by Zapier". Select "catch hook" as trigger event. configure webhook

Copy the URL of this Zap. copy url of this zap

Open ForwardSMS on your mobile and create a new forward rule. Paste your webhook URL to the recipient field of new rule. Configure the rest of the rule according to your needs.



You learned how to process your text messages with Zapier. Mix match and create amazing things. Thank you for reading! ForwardSMS is free to try. Check out our blog for more tips and ideas on how to automate your text messages.

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